
Thursday, January 5, 2012

EVM...The story which we dont know

Except "The Hindu" all other news papers tried to hide this story....Why???

Please follow the link for details.
The problem with EVMs
Subramanian Swamy
The Hindu
UNDER THE SCANNER: Can EVMs be tampered with? Photo: Ritu Raj Konwar
Electronic voting machines (EVMs) were supposed to be the cure for the malady of booth
but in the present form of use they have only worsened the problems. Moreover, EVMs also do requirements set out in the Information Technology Act, 2000.

Electronic voting machines (EVMs) were supposed to be the cure for the malady of booth-capturing in elections in India, but in the present form of use they have only worsened the problems. Moreover, EVMs also do not meet the legal requirements set out in the Information Technology Act, 2000.
Electronic voting machines (EVMs) were supposed to be the cure for the malady of booth-capturing in elections in India, but in the present form of use they have only worsened the problems. Moreover, EVMs also do not meet the legal requirements set out in the Information Technology Act, 2000.
EVMs, as they are being used by the Election Commission of India (ECI), create worries about the very legitimacy of the choice of governments through elections based on them, and raise questions about whether the ECI has become partisan in its defence of EVMs.
The duties of the ECI as set out in Article 324 of the Constitution include ensuring that elections conducted by it are free and fair, and reflect the will of the voters.
To be considered free and fair, the international standards an election has to meet are:
individuals have to be accurately identified as eligible voters who have not already voted;
voters are allowed only one anonymous ballot each, which they can mark in privacy;
the ballot box is secure, observed and, during the election, only able to have votes added to it by voters: votes cannot be removed;
when the election ends, the ballot box is opened and counted in the presence of observers from all competing parties. The counting process cannot reveal how individual voters cast their ballots;
if the results are in doubt, the ballots can be checked and counted again by different people;
as far as the individual voter is concerned, he must be assured that the candidate he casts his vote for, actually gets that vote.
Over the last few centuries, the system of paper ballots was developed that could meet all these six requirements. But the pattern of use of EVMs in the last few general elections in India does not meet the fifth and sixth requirements set out here.
In correspondence with the ECI, I suggested that it incorporate in EVMs the safeguard of a “paper backup” or “paper trail” as is done in some countries. This will easily and in an inexpensive manner meet the last two requirements mentioned above.
As suggested and developed by many experts, this “paper trail” procedure is meant to supplement the procedure of voting, as follows:
“Once approved, the voter views the ballot and makes the desired selections … If the voter confirms that the choices displayed are correct, the machine records the vote on some storage medium.
“The EVM then prints out a readable receipt, much like in automated teller machines (ATM), which is confirmed by the voter, who then deposits it in a ballot box on the way out of the booth, and which poll workers are monitoring.
“If the election is later disputed, officials can optically scan these paper ballots or hand-count them.”
If the EVM is linked to the Unique Identity system being developed, and the EVM can check voters' biometric details before allowing them to vote, that will eliminate bogus voting as well.
But the ECI reacted as if I had violated its electoral chastity. It demanded that I go to the Commission's premises and demonstrate that EVMs can be rigged — although I had not made such an accusation but had only wanted the machine to be safeguarded.

The demonstration

On September 3, 2009, I went to Nirvachan Bhavan along with Vemuru Hari Prasad, a software specialist from Hyderabad, to demonstrate that EVMs can indeed be tampered with. (Dr. Prasad has since been arrested.)
The proceedings at Nirvachan Bhavan were videotaped by the ECI, in the presence of officials of the Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL) and Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), which manufacture EVMs. But the ECI has refused to provide me a copy of the recording made.
Dr. Hari Prasad was given an EVM and asked to give a demonstration. He efficiently went about seeking to prove that it could be tampered with. When he was in the final stage of his work, suddenly the ECIL and BEL representatives began to protest, and claimed that he was violating the companies' ‘intellectual property rights'.
I have obtained documents from the World Intellectual Property Organisation, with its headquarters in Paris, to show that ECIL and BEL had applied for a patent for the EVM in 2002. But in 2006 they withdrew their applications when it became clear that the applications would be rejected. The two outfits do not hold an international patent.
The ECI aborted the meeting despite our protests — all recorded on tape. Now, much like Richard Nixon, it does not want to part with the tapes. No further meetings have been scheduled; only Dr. Hari Prasad was called to the Commission to wear him down. His recent arrest in Mumbai was a desperate act motivated by the ECI to terrorise him, on the charge of theft of an EVM. It was much like the Manipur government issuing an arrest warrant in 1978 against Indira Gandhi for stealing chickens from the State.
It thus became necessary for me to file a writ petition before the Delhi High Court. When such an obvious safeguard as the paper trail is easily and relatively cheaply available, the ECI refuses to even consider it. Hence it is unreasonable and smacks of mala fide. The next hearing of my writ petition is scheduled for November 24. The ECI will then have to explain the patent fiasco and why it lied about it in public.

Doubts about e-elections

There is worldwide acceptance of the need for a paper trail in conjunction with EVMs. Electronic voting was introduced in many countries. But serious doubts were soon raised about the security, accuracy, reliability and verifiability of electronic elections. In October 2006, the Netherlands banned the use of EVMs. In 2009, the Republic of Ireland declared a moratorium on their use. Italy has followed suit. In March 2009, the Supreme Court of Germany ruled that voting through EVMs was unconstitutional, holding that transparency is a constitutional right but efficiency is not a constitutionally protected value.
The official stand of the ECI is that EVMs are 100 per cent reliable and tamper-proof, that the functioning chips have their instructions indelibly burnt into them at the time of manufacture; that these chips are then “mother-sealed” into the EVM; and that this can never be altered. This claim is presented as an immaculate premise, a mantra requiring no proof thereof.
The field of hacking is continually developing, and ECIL's and BEL's advisers belong to an era of soldering two wires together (the “diode and triode era”). They are in no position to counter the averment of international scholars that no electronic machine has been devised that cannot be rigged or hacked.
The ECI must cut its losses and agree to a paper receipt. If it cannot arrange that, we should return to ballot papers. Ballot papers are riggable at a ‘retail' level; but with EVMs, an entire election can be stolen with a chip.

Monday, June 20, 2011

How heading is contradictory to content?

The news paper editor had overlooked data or purposely the heading is misleading?.

Narendra Modi 53% vote
Rahul Gandhi 46 % Vote
Manmohan singh 34 % Vote
and 61% Voted for change in the Govt.

..............and still the inference is "More and more Indians want Rahul as PM"

Sunday, April 24, 2011

False news @ modi always on Front page

The misleading declaration by Mr. Bhatt was appearing on front page of so called secular news papers.

But the official statement on reply to Mr Bhatt is on page 11 (sakal Pune) and on page 9 (Times of India).

Are we trying to fool the country?

Friday, February 4, 2011

‘Indian media’s bias ominous for democracy’

Attaching one good article

Providing the link, so that you can discover more........... if you like.

New York City-based human rights and media activist Partha Banerjee, in Counter Currents, detects an eerie similarity behind “the media-supported rise of Rahul Gandhi” as the next potential prime minister of India and the rise of Rajiv Gandhi and his brother Sanjay:
“I must say I’m frustrated to see the rampant bias in favour of the ruling party [in the Indian media]….
“The role of government as well as private media such as Zee TV, NDTV, Star-Ananda, CNN-IBN, The Times of India, etc., along with their many local and regional offshoots, to show extreme bias for parties and candidates of their choice is gravely ominous for democracy.
“”Contrary to the much-touted American media doctrine of a fair and objective reporting—doctrine they always preach but seldom practice—the new Indian media have resorted to an unrestricted, one-sided coverage of the Congress Party and its leaders.
“Sadly, even now during the election times, voters can find nearly no reporting of the fact that a vast majority of Indians still have no access to health care, education, drinking water or electricity. One wouldn’t know that in India, a world-record number of farmers committed suicide because of economic desperation and multinational companies’ forced seed-bank replacements.
“We don’t hear about the destruction of Indian environment and massive pollution and energy crisis. We don’t hear about the extreme lack of women’s rights (sure, we now have more fashion shows and jewelry models on the catwalk!). We don’t hear that India is now the fastest-growing AIDS country (and contrary to Thailand or USA, talking AIDS is still very much a taboo).
“We don’t know that police brutality and abuses on social and religious minorities are abysmal. We’re never told that international organizations have called India as one of the worst countries to protect human rights and promote equality. We’re not reminded that India has seen a massive number of communal riots, big and small, in recent years: not just in Gujarat, Ayodhya or Mumbai. And that our governments have failed miserably to protect us from terrorism.
“And that is why Indian media’s suppression of truth and generous donation to ruling class’s rampant lies are even more worrisome. In their election coverage today, opposition parties find minimal amount of time and importance. Third parties and especially those who have mass support to boycott elections are not given any time at all. Big media have belittled opposition alliances, and brought them to ridicule.”

Friday, January 21, 2011

Media claims the opposition is villain, who is harsh on 2G scam

Some statistics on this scam

2G scam amount
176000 Cr
Loss due to spoiling winter session (sansad Bandh)176 Cr
% of loss due to Sansad Band Vs 2G scam amount0.1%
How many such "Sansad Bandh"  we can afford?1000  Nos
Media must tell Indians that we can afford 1000 such "Sansad Bandh" than tolerating such scams

Is Media against BJP?

The self declared secular media in India who is busy in finding out the diffrences in BJP, no wonder would skip this news


BJP's Nitin Gadkari to visit China on CPC's invitation

Rahul Gandhi faces protests in UP

While the media in India otherwise is busy in capturing all the activities of Rahul Gandhi
Why was this news missing in most of the leading news papers and channels?

For details please access The following link  from The Asian Age

Thursday, January 20, 2011

"New Deoband chief lauds Modi's Gujarat"

Why this news is missing in most of the news papers and channels?
Isn't media projecting only the news which could help Congress?

The times of India news
The new Darul Uloom vice-chancellor, Maulana Ghulam Mohammed Vastanvi, said "all communities" are prospering in Narendra Modi's Gujarat and there was "no discrimination against the minorities in the state as far as development was concerned."

Read more: New Deoband chief lauds Modi's Gujarat - The Times of India

Indian print and electronic media bias

Media in India is trying to mislead the people by constructing the news in very bias way.

What these people achieve by doing this? But always watching the news casted with particular angle may affect the way of thinking of people in long term. In short term scene, this may appear to be beneficial to the ruling party but in long term it will damage the society.

Now this is the time to generate awareness in the people about this, to help them to think independently.

It is said that the media is the one of the important pillar of the democracy but it is demolished before it constructed in India.